The following general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter, the “Terms of Use”) regulate the rights and obligations arising from the access, navigation, and use by users of the domain (hereinafter, the “Website”), as well as the use and provision of services (the “Services”) provided through the Website.

The Website is available in various languages. In case of conflict between the Spanish version and other languages of these Terms of Use, the Spanish version will prevail over the others.


1. – Data Controller and Owner

The owner of the Website and the responsible party for the processing of the collected data is ROCK INTERNET S.L. (hereinafter, “Arkeero” or the “Company”) with VAT ID: B-86907953 and registered address: C/Barquillo nº8, 2ªizq, 28004 Madrid, (Spain). Registration details: Madrid Mercantile Registry, Volume 31853, Folio 1, Entry 1, Sheet M-573205. Contact email: or through the “Contact” section enabled for this purpose on the Website.

2. – Access, Navigation, and Security

By accessing, browsing, registering, and using the Website, users expressly accept to be aware of the legal warnings, conditions, and terms of use contained on the Website in the version published at the time of access without any reservation. For the purposes of these Terms of Use, we will refer to both registered and unregistered users collectively as “Users.”


On the contrary, if users do not agree with these Terms of Use or any part thereof, they may refrain from using our Website and/or the offered Services.

At Arkeero, we make every effort to ensure that navigation is carried out under the best possible conditions and to avoid failures during the process. However, we do not assume responsibility or guarantee that access to this Website will be uninterrupted or free of errors. Likewise, we do not guarantee that the content that can be accessed through this Website is error-free or will not cause harm.

Additionally, the Company reserves the right to monitor access and/or the use of the Website, as well as to take necessary technical measures to verify that use is in accordance with these Terms of Use and current legislation. Consequently, the Company reserves, without prior notice, the right to suspend, delete, limit, or prevent access to the Website and/or Services when anomalies or technical difficulties arise due to events or circumstances beyond its control that (i) reduce or eliminate the security levels adopted for the proper functioning of the Website or (ii) are due to maintenance reasons.

Users are recommended to periodically read these Terms of Use each time they access the Website and/or our Services.

3. – Services

Access and use of certain Services and/or content offered to the User on the Website are subject to certain specific conditions that complement these Terms of Use. The use of such Services and content will express, in any case, the full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms of Use in the version published by Arkeero at the time of accessing the Services. In case of contradiction between the Terms of Use and the specific conditions, the latter will prevail. Arkeero´s purpose is to provide a Website that offers information services to Users in the field of certain financial products, impartially providing the necessary information about the different options available from third-party entities and useful criteria to facilitate decision-making regarding the product that best suits their needs, and subsequently, facilitating the contracting process for these products.

Arkeero may act as an intermediary in formalizing contracts with third-party providers whose services and products are offered through the Website. However, the contracts for the provision of the offered products and services will be exclusively binding with the owners of those products or services, i.e., the third-party entities offering the products or services contained on the Website (hereinafter, “Third-Party Providers”).

Arkeero will offer Users, in a general or personalized manner based on the provided information, the products and available conditions (the “Offer”). It is the obligation and responsibility of Users to carefully read the available conditions, verify the information, and choose the product that they consider appropriate based on their interests.

Arkeero may send available Offers for a specific product or service by email, in cases where Users have provided their email for this purpose. However, Arkeero does not intervene in the final provision of the contracted service or product, acting merely as a comparator and intermediary in case Users decide to contract any of the products or services offered on the Website. To receive additional information or process an Offer, Arkeero provides Users with different means, such as, but not limited to: (i) being redirected to the Third-Party Provider´s page of the chosen service or product, so that they can contract the Offer directly through its website; (ii) obtaining the contact details of the service or product to contract it by phone; or (iii) providing contact details to be contacted directly by the Third-Party Provider. In any case, Users are reminded that Offers are provided directly by the Third-Party Providers of the service or product of interest. Offers can be modified at any time by Third-Party Providers. Therefore, Users are recommended to verify with the respective Third-Party Providers, prior to contracting, the final terms and conditions related to the chosen product or service. ARKEERO ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY DERIVED FROM THE AVAILABILITY, TRUTH, SCOPE, OR ACCURACY OF SUCH OFFERS NOR FROM THE CONTINGENCIES OR DAMAGES DERIVED FROM THE USE OR ENJOYMENT OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE CONTRACTED WITH THE THIRD-PARTY PROVIDER.

The use of certain Services offered to Users may be subject to particular conditions of their own or those of third parties whose services or products are offered on the Website, which, depending on the cases, replace, complete, and/or modify these Terms of Use as appropriate.

Any of the Services are offered to individuals over 18 years of age. Minors may not use the Services offered without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts performed through the Website by the minors in their care, including the completion of forms with personal data and, where appropriate, the hiring of Services if applicable.

Arkeero reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the design, presentation, and/or configuration of the Website, as well as to add new Services and/or modify existing ones. In any case, for those cases where a substantial modification in the provision of Services occurs compared to those already accepted by Users, appropriate communications will be made.

4. – User Registration Process

Access to the Website does not require prior registration. However, to consult certain content on the Website, contract a specific Offer, as well as receive newsletters, User registration will be necessary. By registering or requesting a Service, the User accepts all of our legal texts contained on the Website, which are fully binding. Therefore, the Company recommends reading them in full before proceeding with the registration, especially the Privacy Policy.

All data required in the registration process are duly indicated with an asterisk (*) and must be completed necessarily. Failure to complete the form will release Arkeero from any obligation or action related to said information, and the User registration and/or the provision of the associated Services based on that data may be denied.

All information provided as a User must be accurate, truthful, and up-to-date. For these purposes, the User guarantees ownership, authenticity, and updating at all times of the data communicated, being solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements made and for the damages caused to Arkeero and/or third parties by the information provided. Similarly, Users must consider that in case the data and information provided for this purpose are not true, the Third-Party Provider of the chosen products or services may decide not to provide them or may modify the hiring conditions.

5.- User Obligations

The User undertakes to make diligent, correct, and lawful use of the Website and the Services accessible from it, fully complying with the Law, good customs, and these Terms of Use (including any specific conditions and other legal texts).

It is the User´s responsibility to keep all information provided to Arkeero constantly updated. Similarly, the User is solely responsible for the relationships established with Third-Party Providers whose services or products are offered, being, in any case, the User solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements made and for the damages caused to Arkeero or third parties by the information provided.

Users can contact the Company and interact in certain sections of the Website, with the content of Newsletters, or by sharing content or sections on social networks. However, it is prohibited to: (i) impersonate another person or organization; (ii) use disrespectful and offensive language; (iii) present, quote, and recommend companies or websites, and, in general, engage in illegal competition, marketing, or spam actions.

6.- Contents and Links

The Website offers Services and/or content related to the activity of Arkeero and the services and products of Third-Party Providers. These are purely informative, and their accuracy is not guaranteed, nor do they constitute professional advice that serves as a decisive element in decision-making. The Website may contain links to third-party domains owned and managed by such independent third parties over which Arkeero has no control or ownership.

Arkeero does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the contents, commercial activities, products, and services that may be linked, directly or indirectly, to the Website. The presence of such links, unless expressly stated otherwise, is for informational purposes only and, in no case, implies a suggestion, invitation, or recommendation regarding them or that they have a binding nature for Arkeero. It is the User´s responsibility to verify any information they consider appropriate.

7.- Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

By way of illustration and not limitation, the texts, designs, images, databases, logos, and trademarks and any other element of the Website are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of Arkeero and/or third-party owners with the necessary authorizations.

Arkeero reserves all exploitation rights over the intellectual and industrial property contained on the Website, so, in no case, will access, navigation, and use of it be understood as a waiver, transmission, license, or total or partial assignment of such rights.

Any reproduction, transmission, or distribution, adaptation, translation, modification, public communication, or any other exploitation of all or part of the content of the Website, in any way or by any means, is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Arkeero or third-party owners. Any infringement of these rights may give rise to civil or criminal judicial or extrajudicial proceedings as appropriate.

It is allowed to establish a link to the Website as long as it is not related to false, inaccurate, incorrect statements that may be misleading or contrary to the law, morality, or good customs or these Terms of Use. However, it is prohibited to alter, change, modify, or adapt the Website in any way. The User has only a strictly private right to use for the purpose of enjoying the content and Services in accordance with these Terms of Use.

8. – Exclusion of Warranties and Liability

Arkeero strives to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on the Website. However, it does not guarantee or assume responsibility for the consequences that may arise from errors in its own or third-party contents, nor does it assume any responsibility derived from the truth, completeness, accuracy, legality, and/or reliability of the information provided. Therefore, it reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the contents, Services, and, in general, all elements that make up the design and configuration of the Website at any time without prior notice.

Arkeero has taken, within its possibilities and the current state of technology, all reasonable measures to ensure the correct functioning of the Website and will try to solve any problems that may arise and reach a quick and satisfactory solution to any incidents. However, the Company does not guarantee the reliability, availability, or continuity of the Website. The Website is provided to the User “as is,” so its use by Users is carried out at their own risk, without any responsibility of Arkeero in this regard.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage (including, but not limited to, any type of direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage, loss of business, data – including User data -, contracts, or profits, losses, or damages related to computer programs or equipment) that may arise from access (or lack thereof), navigation, use of the Website, or any part thereof, whatever the cause, including the inaccuracy of the information contained on the Website, among others. Likewise, the Company assumes no responsibility, without limitation, derived from:

i. The use of the contents and Offers available on the Website, whether prohibited or allowed, in violation of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the Company or third parties.
ii. The contents of those pages that Users can access through links included on the Website.
iii. Acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of whether these third parties may be linked to Arkeero through a contractual relationship.
iv. Problems caused to computer systems or caused by the introduction of viruses and other computer codes, as well as possible security errors, failures, or incidents that may occur in communications, deletion, or incomplete transmissions. It is the responsibility of each User to have the appropriate tools for detecting harmful computer programs.
v. Errors or delays in accessing the Website when entering data in the corresponding form or any anomaly that may occur when these incidents are due to problems on the internet, force majeure or any other unforeseen contingency beyond the good faith and control of Arkeero.
vi. Errors or damages caused by inefficient and bad faith use of the Website by the User.
vii. The identity of Users, nor the truth, validity, completeness, and/or authenticity of the data that Users provide about themselves and/or provide to other Users.

The User guarantees to Arkeero that they strictly comply with these Terms of Use, and they must keep Arkeero indemnified and, where appropriate, compensate and indemnify Arkeero, its directors, employees, affiliates, agents, and any other related persons, regarding any claims, liabilities, sanctions, damages, losses, expenses, or any other concepts that may arise from any breach of these Terms of Use.

9.- Data Processing and Cookies

By visiting this Website, no data automatically identifying a User is recorded. However, certain non-personal and non-identifiable information about a specific User is collected during navigation through devices called “cookies,” which allow obtaining statistical information about the use of the Website to make improvements. Every User should consult the Cookie Policy.

Similarly, in accordance with the provisions of data protection regulations, Users are informed that the personal data provided through the Website or by sending emails or phone calls will be processed by the Company, based on the consent provided by the User for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy, which must be read, understood, and accepted for the use of this Website and/or the processing necessary to respond to requests made by Users.

Arkeero, committed to complying with the obligation of confidentiality and security of personal data, has taken the necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorized access, taking into account at all times the state of technology, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR), which offers the highest level of protection in the processing of any personal data.

The User may exercise their rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation of processing, and portability if applicable, by writing to Arkeero, either at its registered office or through the email address of the data protection officer In any case, if the User considers that their data is not processed in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation, they can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or the competent supervisory authority.

Processing of third-party data
To enable the contracting of the products or services requested by the User, the Company will need to know certain personal and/or financial data to transfer or assign them to the selected Third-Party Provider, so that they can register the User as a customer and provide the desired service. However, for clarification purposes, the Privacy Policy of Arkeero does not apply to the data collected by Third-Party Providers through their respective websites, even if any of these websites contain links to and from our Website. Users are also reminded that the Third-Party Provider supplying the selected product or service will have its own privacy policy that should be read before contracting any service or product. The Company is not responsible for any content within the respective privacy policies of such third parties, and it does not offer any guarantee, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, legality, accuracy, or validity of any third-party website or the data processing carried out by these Third-Party Providers. If Users want to know how such Third-Party Providers process their personal data, they must read their privacy policy.

10.- Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

Any dispute or conflict that may arise from access or the use of the Website will be governed in accordance with Spanish law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for any issues that may arise in relation to the contracting of products and services distributed by Arkeero, the courts and tribunals of the User´s domicile will be competent.

11.- Complaints and Claims

For inquiries related to the products or services of Third-Party Providers once contracted, Users should contact the Third-Party Provider of that service or product. On the contrary, any complaints and claims regarding the provision of services by Arkeero must be sent, in any case, to the Company through the contact details provided above.

12.- Changes to the Terms of Use

Arkeero reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use due to updates or changes and legal requirements, as well as improvements and changes included in the way the Company offers and provides its Services.